Saturday, December 7, 2013

Tutorial-flat felt seams

I am making the SW sienna shirt again.  This time I've cut into some great batik from Gayfeather fabrics in Madison Wi,  where I live March-October of the year.  Virginia, the owner, makes a lot of great shirts herself and has taught me the pride of a well-constructed one.

I love the look and durability of flatfelt seams on these cotton or linen shirts.  

Here is a picture of my magic foot.   (I use a Bernina 1230 to sew on)

You start with wrong sides together, needle in near left position and fabric positioned like this:

Your bottom fabric is 1/4 inch to the left of the top one.

Then you lightly press the seam down.

Next you use the magic foot to stitch down the other side

Slick, hum?  The foot does most of the work for you.  I don't even press on lightweight linens, but I think it comes out crisper when you do.

Here's the promised finished product (no final press-too hot in Fl)


  1. I wonder if Pfaff makes a foot like this. I guess that's one of the many joys of owning a Bernina: thousands of feet to choose from. So glad you are blogging, Sally. You might inspire to start sewing again!

  2. Don't know Pfaff, but maybe you could Google it? What are you doing for a creative outlet without sewing, besides teaching?
