Saturday, May 21, 2016

More blogging, by popular request. . .

I managed to walk away from my sewing machine and take some pictures today.  

First up, another rain coat, Marcy Tilton V 8934, which I blogged about before under the title December rain.

Background story: last fall at an ASG sponsored Sandra Betzina seminar my good friend, Deb, and I purchased this wonderful Aztec embossed leather, from our local Madison, Wi. fabric store Gayfeather Fabrics, who helped sponsor Sandra and was a vendor at said event.   Since we couldn't imagine what each of us would make, let alone use the whole skin individually, we purchased it together.  

Then Deb's life led her to move to Asheville.  One of our last "sewing" related events together before her move was the Splitting of the Leather.

I purchased a really water repellant fabric from Marcy Tiltons website, which was as drab as a rainy day, in color.  

Then, I remembered the "patches" pattern, which up to this point I'd only made without the patches, as Marcy's patches were so incredibly neat and cool, I couldn't imagine what to use.  

Enter, the Egyptian embossed leather!  Truly project worthy!

Detail shot, please:

I marshaled my Sandra Betzina training and went for it on sewing all the patches.  I had "just enough" leather to make good choices.  

And, when I found these "stone" buttons at Gayfeathers, I knew my garment was complete!

Now, where did I put that matching hat?  ( I'll post it later if I can find it!)


  1. Great use of the skin and the embossing adds a lot! Thank you so much for posting!!!

  2. I agree with Deb, this coat is fantastic, now if it would only rain:)
