Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Marcy Tilton's newest dress pattern, V9081

This pattern has a nice, casual vibe, even though it's a dress, so I made a muslin while in Fl (hence the wild colors of fabric)

Then, I caught Marcys blog post of the version she made to wear in Pullyallup.  It reminded me of some houndstooth and striped knits I'd been collecting. Much more subtle colors, but fitting for our late Wi spring.

I liked making the dress, sort of like fitting together puzzle pieces.  And, it's great with boots now and regular shoes later.

Think I'll rebuy the pattern at vogues next sale and scale the fit down a bit.  But, a great travel dress for now, and my post frigid winter welter weight. . . Come on biking weather!!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Some progress has been made. . .

I've never stitched a complete garment by hand, but this was absolutely satisfying.  I made the "muslin" for the crafty class for Alabama Chanin in navy, as suggested.  It fits beautifully, so I cut out my  A. Chanin organic cottons.  my "muslin" matches my beaded skirt ( see former post),  so am eager to have a jacket to go with. . . .

   I finally found embroidery floss, after three tries (thank you, Jo Ann, for the returns). #926  DMC

Then, my Jo Ann's in Florida did not have Jacquard paints, so I kept trying to mix paints. . . Cutting out the stencil from the course, in the meantime.

Finding myself back in winter tundra land, ie WI, I looked through my repertoire of Jacquard paints and went a whole 'nother route from turquoise, namely indigo. . . 

I am so happy with this choice.  Now to "marry" my two layers and start the hand embroidery. . . . 

Trust me, I plan to live long enough to finish this project ( but wish me luck)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

and it begins. . . Fl bound with a project in mind. . .

I really got into Craftsy when they first began, and purchased Natalie chanin's course, because I loved all three of her books.  And, when I first retired, before cataracts, made three garments, culminating in this uber piece (which I seldom wear from fear of bead thread failure) 

This made from her skirt pattern, details below.

Muted Japanese Ragu bugle beads, from the sadly demised Turtle Beads in Baraboo, WI.

So, my current project is from Alabama chanin's organic cotton (above project is from fabric.com organic cotton). The latter is thinner and more appropriate for the skirt project.  The new fabric will make a better jacket from the great Vogue DKNY pattern from the Craftsy class.

The new fabric arrived yesterday in this nifty packaging:

 I started over on the Craftsy class (they let you do that!).   

My color choice is denim and dusk. . . .wish me luck. . . .